Function types and metadata
This list contains some basic function types and the keys expected for them to work correctly.
Function type | Metadata | Example |
switch | topic_read topic_write state_on state_off text_on (optional) text_off (optional) | { "id": 1, "type": "switch", "installation_id": 1, "meta": { "name": "My light", "topic_read": "obj/zwave/node/1/switch", "state_on": "255", "state_off": "0" } } |
movement | topic_read state_movement state_nomovement text_movement (optional) text_nomovement (optional) | { "id": 2, "type": "movement", "installation_id": 1, "meta": { "name": "Motion", "topic_read": "obj/zwave/node/2/motion", "state_movement": "8", "state_nomovement": "0", "text_movement": "Someones moving", "text_nomovement": "Still" } } |
door | topic_read state_open state_closed text_open (optional) text_closed (optional) | { "id": 3, "type": "door", "installation_id": 1, "meta": { "name": "Main door", "topic_read": "obj/zwave/node/12/alarm_door", "state_open": "255", "state_closed": "0" } } |
dimmer | topic_read topic_write min max topic_read_onoff (optional) topic_write_onoff (optional) state_on (optional) state_off (optional) | { "id": 4, "type": "dimmer", "installation_id": 1, "meta": { "name": "Kitchen lamps", "topic_read": "obj/zwave/node/14/dimmer", "topic_write": "set/obj/zwave/node/14/dimmer", "max": "100", "min": "0" } } |
boolean_text | topic_read state_true state_false text_true text_false | { "id": 5, "type": "boolean_text", "installation_id": 1, "meta": { "name": "Car tracker", "topic_read": "obj/tracker/gps/1/moving", "state_true": "1", "state_false": "0", "text_true": "Moving", "text_false": "Still" } } |
{all} | name icon format visible | { "id": 6, "type": "unknown", "installation_id": 1, "meta": { "name": "Hidden function", "icon": "generic", "format": "%.2f", "visible": "0" } } |