
Events are information published on MQTT on topics beginning with evt/. Events can be used by other applications to perform actions reacting to something else than a value update. An event might be that a gateway is offline, that a software is going offline etc. Reacting to these events might be useful for other programs and integrations.

Events can be sent by any connected user on the MQTT bus in the same way as other messages. The difference is that event-messages don't have a standardised format. One software might include special parameters in the JSON payload.

IoT Open events

These are events that are sent on our backend in response to some configuration change using the API or web interface.

Please note that this is only events created by the backend, other parts of the system might produce more events that are not covered here.

evt/functionx/updated{ }Function was added/removed/updated on the installation
evt/devicex/updated{ }Device was added/removed/updated on the installation
evt/schedule/updated{ }Schedule was added/removed/updated on the installation
evt/edge_app/updated{ }Edge app was added/removed/updated on the installation
evt/installation/updated{ }Installation was updated